Where Passion Connects With Your Work!

Timeless Discussion...Yet A Timely Decision

During the fall of 2012 I was driving on I-196 with friend. We were on a business trip from Grand Rapids to Chicago. After lunch and a few miles down the road during our 4 hour trip my friend asked the question...

... I remember the inward feeling of struggle to answer honestly. As if my words carried a weight. As the miles went by he gave me some room to talk, share, and even dream. He listened, asked, and clarified my thoughts.

... the road trip was more than one dream in the distance. Rather, it opened my thinking to a larger world. I realized I'd been looking at the pavement too long. There was a big horizon. It's inspiring! ... and encouraging to have a friend along side of me...

Passion Exercise - Expand your List!

On your phone or in a journal, begin writing down a list starting with at least 10 Passions. These topics may stimulate a few thoughts... These are activities when exercised put a smile on your face, energize your life, and reflect what you value most...

  1. Sports / Recreation
  2. Art / Music
  3. Travel
  4. Friends / Family
  5. Serving / Helping
  6. Writing / Reading
  7. Building / Starting / Solving
  8. Food / Feeding Hungry
  9. Running! / Accomplishing
  10. What’s your Jam?

What motivates you to engage at work?

Intrinsic Motivation - Rewards beyond just a paycheck!

How would you rate your engagement in these 4 areas?

  • Meaningfulness
  • Choice
  • Competence
  • Progress

Source: Intrinsic Motivation –Kenneth Thomas

A Passion without a plan really only stays a dream.

What private reflections do you need to share as a public declaration?

Begin a Conversation with a Friend or Mentor to Help Answer What’s your passion?

In the teaching, I present the exercise of writing down words and/or phrase for each of these circles. The list may be longer or shorter depending on your awareness and conviction.

If you're ready for a challenge, writing or rewriting a purpose statement can be a rewarding exercise.

As mentioned in the presentation, once your write a few observations for the 8 categories review the words that resonate/reflect what you know to be true. If helpful on a separate paper transfer the highlighted words to be create a statement or few sentences.

Take your time with the draft. Come back to it later to refine. Maybe there's a better word to reflect what you're thinking or feeling. It's a working document.

As it takes shape your purpose will become clear. It will also reflect your passion(s). Like any sentence the noun anchor the subject or object of your focus whereas the verb call you take action.

Purpose and passion will begin to take shape as a plan.When you're ready share it with a few trusted friends. I promise you will encouraged to your...

Private reflections become a public declaration.

Complete and Continue