What is Coaching?

A coach is a champion for your success!

It's Time to Get You Moving!

What help do you need to get you to your best?

What is a coaching relationship?

  1. Strategic Dashboarding - Someone who is safe, competent, and confidential that can walk around the world of the leader inviting a fresh perspective by asking significant questions.
  2. Prioritizing Your Commitments - Declaring specific activities that need attention and action that align with your purpose, passions, and principles. It's the discovery process that often surfaces priorities that need attention.
  3. Systematic Accountability - Measuring your progress and growth that create results.

During my coach training my assignment was to report on 10 NOs for every 1 YES commitment I made. It was a hard discipline yet a valuable exercise that I'm still learning to practice even today!

As the Advance coaching community grows, your reflection and experience will be helpful for others to learn from you.

After watching the video think for a moment, what's keeping you from moving forward in your leadership?

Write down a comment in the discussion below. Feel free to respond to other leaders who have contributed for encouragement and further questions?

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